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Green Garden Township Assessor’s April, 2022 Report For review at May 9, 2022 Township meeting

Jane Bushong, CIAO Assessor, Green Garden Township

On-going, standard Assessor tasks/projects

Assessor Office statistics for March, 2022

March tasks and information


Equalization is very important point to understand in the Assessment process……

Assessors strive to maintain a uniform level of assessment within their jurisdictions by using recognized appraisal techniques to determine market values and by reassessing property on a regular basis to that market values are as accurate as possible.

A process called “assessment/sales ratio study “is used to find the ratio of property sale prices to their assessed values. The assessment/sales ratio study shows whether or not assessments within a given area actually average 33 1/3 percent of market value.

If the results indicate that assessments are either higher or lower than 33 1/3%, a blanket % increase or decrease, called an “equalization factor “ or “ multiplier “ is calculated and applied to all non-farm property to being the level of assessment to 33 1/3 percent.

The application of this uniform percentage increase or decrease to assessed values is called “equalization “.

Summary: When the Assessor is unable to adequately provide a uniform level of assessment within the township, and the market value of most properties has increased significantly; the county will then apply the same multiplier (increase) to ALL residential properties regardless of current assessed value in order to equalize that entire township’s assessments.