2018.06.11 Budget Hearing Minutes



JUNE 11, 2018

The Green Garden Township Budget Hearing began at 6:47 p.m. Supervisor Nolan read the Road & Bridge District Budget and Appropriation Ordinance #RB2018-02 and the Township Budget and Appropriation Ordinance #TF2018-02. The Budget hearing concluded at 6:54 p.m. with no comments. GREEN GARDEN TOWNSHIP REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2018 The regular meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nolan at 7:00 p.m. Roll call In attendance were Trustees Wagner, Newton, Standish, Hellriegel, Commissioner Massat, Supervisor Nolan, and Clerk Coffey. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Clerk Coffey read the minutes of the regular meeting held May 14, 2018. There was a motion to approve the minutes by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Newton. Voice vote:Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS ? Mr Ruppel of 25551 Scheer Rd. voiced his dismay regarding the condition of said Rd. citing childlike antics by the Road Commissioner. Heated discussion ensued. Commissioner Massat responded, “Past gravel application had been skimmed off the road, and he will not waste money for stone prior to the bridge project.” PLANNING COMMISSION Nothing for June or July. Trustee Hellriegel questioned zoning sign on Stuenkel. Response: 50 ft vs 20 ft off lot line, hearing before county. HIGHWAY REPORT? – Grindings & stone applied on certain roads. TRUSTEE’S REPORT ?- Trustee Newton certified as FOIA Officer. SUPERVISOR’S REPORT – Bypass OLD BUSINESS – None NEW BUSINESS Budget Approval There was a motion to approve the Road District Budget & Appropriation Ordinance #RB2018-02 by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Standish. Roll call vote: Wagner, yes; Standish, yes; Newton, yes; Hellriegel, yes; Nolan, yes. Motion carried 5-0. There was a motion to approve the Township Budget & Appropriation Ordinance #TF2018-02 by Trustee Hellriegel with a second by Trustee Standish. Roll call vote: Hellriegel, yes; Standish, yes; Wagner, yes; Newton, yes; Nolan, yes. Motion carried 5-0. Prevailing Wage A copy of the 2018 Prevailing wage was not available (TOI posted 2 days after meeting). There was a motion by Trustee Wagner to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance for the Road District with a second by Trustee Newton. Roll call vote: Wagner, yes; Newton, yes; Standish, yes; Hellriegel, yes; Nolan, yes. Motion carried 5-0. There was a motion by Trustee Hellriegel to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance for the Township with a second by Trustee Standish. Roll call vote: Hellriegel, yes; Standish, yes; Wagner, yes; Newton, yes; Nolan, yes. Motion carried 5-0. There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Hellriegel with a second by Trustee Standish. Voice vote: Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Coffey, Clerk

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