2018.08.13 Meeting Minutes



AUGUST 13, 2018

The regular meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nolan at 6:59 p.m.
ROLL CALL-In attendance were Trustees Standish, Hellriegel, Newton, Wagner, Commissioner Massat, Supervisor Nolan and Clerk Coffey.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Clerk Coffey read the minutes of the regular meeting held July 9, 2018.  There was a motion to approve the minutes by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Standish.  Voice vote: Motion carried.


PLANNING COMMISSION-Matter set for September 4.  Chairman Murday not in attendance.

HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER’S REPORT-Tar and chip approximately 3-3/4 miles. Cutting grass and trimming tree limbs.


Trustee Newton working with Mrs. Bushong trying to reach county regarding Assessor position.  Mrs. Bushong has researched software, certification procedures and supplied a preliminary budget.  PAMS software used by County mainly based on formulas, currently used in DuPage, Lockport and Crete to name a few.  $6,500 budgeted in anticipation to purchase program.  $1,000 a year to maintain.  Hardware, servers and clouds discussed.  Dell desktop, workstation, servers, 2 external hard drives as back-ups (1 off-site).  Final budget to be submitted later.  Supervisor Nolan and Trustee Newton to contact Rhonda Novak.

SUPERVISOR’S REPORT-2016 AFR and audit completed late, will ask for reduction in fines.  2017 AFR filed, audit due in 2018 underway, will ask for December extension.  Just about caught up.



There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Hellriegel.  Voice vote: Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted, Susan Coffey, Clerk

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