2019.08.12 Meeting Minutes



AUGUST 12, 2019

The regular meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nolan at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll Call In attendance were Trustees Wagner, Newton, Hellriegel, Standish, Commissioner Massat, Supervisor Nolan, and Clerk Coffey. Clerk Coffey submitted the minutes from the regular meeting held July 8, 2019. There was a motion to approve the minutes as submitted by Trustee Hellriegel with a second by Trustee Newton. Voice vote: Motion carrie

INTRODUCTION OF GEORGE MAHONEY​ (Mahoney, Silverman, & Cross)

● Attorney appointed at last meeting.

● 19 lawyers in the firm.

● Attorney Marron Mahoney introduced, short presentation regarding issues elected officials are interested in, Open Meetings Act, Governmental Ethics, and Freedom of Information Act. An informational page was distributed to the board (attached). Packets were also distributed to most of the board.

● OMA Training Required.

● Any questions that come up, feel free to contact their office.


● Schultz states, “About what? You haven’t done anything yet.” PLANNING COMMISSION

● No August meeting.

● Robert Norkus passed away last Thursday. Mr. Norkus was the longest serving member of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is grateful for his many years of service to the Township. Mrs. Norkus appreciated the acknowledgement from the Township. Bob will be missed.

● Applicant Peter & Tony Wiatr in attendance requesting approval for Map Amendment A-2 to A-1 for property located at 24018 Center Rd. Purpose for pole barn & lifting restrictions. Chairman Murday briefed board of history regarding this applicant. Stated notification was given to neighbors, neighbor to south voiced objection at Planning Commission meeting. Murday suggested less evasive way of variance, also 2 parcels do not equal 10 acres and there are set back issues. A-1 has no limitation on livestock. Discussed E-2, A-2, and some A-1 surround parcel. Planning Commission not in favor. Application tabled at last Planning Commission meeting. County notified Murday applicant was going through with application for Map Amendment. Planning Commission polled, 4-0 against. Applicant to appear before Township board.

● Peter Wiatr apologized for not being fully prepared at PC meeting, pointing out 70% of township is A-1. Parcels purchased 11 years ago at 10.13 acres. Highway Department took 75 feet for easement, leaving 9.82. 9 neighbors notified, only 1 objection. Supervisor Nolan asked if Wiatr was paid for easement? Wiatr: No. Nolan: You can’t just come & take my land. Commissioner Massat: Yes, they can. Wade Light wanted driveway, so they seize easement. 

● Wiatr presents Will County chart of zoning districts & allowed uses. Discusses Commercial A-1 & A-2, Special Use Permits, stating A-2 allows orphanage, convent & half-way houses. Printed last 6 months Will County Planning Commission. 2 ½ acres in Monee on Harlem (Green Garden Twp) approved by Board and County to increase animal units from 2 to 13 on Residential. A-1 to I-2 located on Route 45 approved in May 2019 by this board and granted. Even though heavily opposed by the Highway Commissioner to the point that he walked down his letter of opposition to the hearing. Nolan: Harlem was Special Use for chickens. Why not just get variance? Wiatr: A-1 takes square footage restriction away, as well as other restrictions, ultimately restoring peace & quiet with neighbor. Trustee Hellriegel discusses difference between Production Agriculture & Commercial Agriculture. Nolan: Cut-off needs to be somewhere, 10 acres is the limit. Variance or Special Use and we’ll talk. Trustee Wagner questioned usage. Wiatr: Could be hay, and personal storage. There’s a 3 acre lot down Center and 5 acre lots on Stuenkel A-1. Wagner: When they go for building permits County will rezone. Massat: They will change when sold. Wiatr: Applied to consolidate 2 parcels in June. Hellriegel: So, it’s up to County what they do when they consolidate. Wiatr: Yes, but would much rather have neighbor approval.

● Murday states if the purpose is a pole barn, go for Variance. Concern for A-1, no restrictions. Wiatr: Not able to have Echo program, D-Plate restrictions, RV restrictions. The neighbor is that bad, I’ve erected fencing as well as another neighbor. Neighbor to north wrote letter on my behalf. Nolan: The neighbor with the 14 cars? Massat: Illegal here (something inaudible) Yeah, we saw it. Trustee Standish questions acreage before & after easement.

● Trustee Wagner made a motion to approve request for Map Amendment A-2 to A-1. There was a second by Trustee Standish. Roll Call: Wagner, no; Standish, no; Newton, no; Hellriegel, no; Nolan, no. Motion denied 5-0. Applicant appreciates being heard, just doesn’t understand.


● Tar & Chip within next 2 weeks.


● Standish: Cherie, are we gonna talk about lawyer or is that next meeting? Nolan: We can talk next meeting.

● Hellriegel: Cherie, did you get back to the guy about chips in the road? Trustees Newton & Wagner responded to him.


● Jane will be certified by September. Put on Agenda for next month to appoint.

● County should bill for ½ year. Will ask County for bill so we can fix within Budget, re-adjust Assessor Budget due to County only being listed. NEW BUSINESS “Will Ride” discussion on monetary specifications & vote.

● Jane Bushong questioned who receives applications? Response: We approve applicant lives in Township, and email PACE. Trustee Newton: Who’s going to approve? Bushong: Field in PAMS program asking if they qualify for PACE. If not too much, I can do it. Nolan: I nominate Hellriegel (laughter). Hellriegel: I ain’t volunteering. I think we should make a motion to approve. Trustee Wagner made a motion to approve “Will Ride” service for medical reasons, doctor visits, with an annual budget of $3000.00. There was a second by Trustee Newton. Voice vote: Motion carried.


● Trustee Newton asked Buddy Schultz if his water issue was resolved with County? Schultz: No, I have to call Brian. 

● Jane Bushong reported TOI website has scholarships available, Seven $1500.00 scholarships, she would like to get the word out. Newton: Students, I think, apply with Guidance Counselors help. Maybe we can put a tab on website for the link. Bushong & Newton to follow up.

● Chairman Murday stated Clerk Coffey ordered flowers from the Planning Commission & Township for Bob Norkus. Is that something the township can help with? Supervisor Nolan: Told her to give me receipt. 

● Murday asks if we can get something on website for additional volunteers for the Planning Commission? Down to 4 members and himself. Nolan: How many do you want? Murday: I would like 7, let’s ask and see who volunteers. Ideally 2 to cover the 4 quadrants of the township. Bushong: Facebook? Nolan: Funny thing about social media in general, have a lot of idiots on there. I can’t manage through idiots, put that in the minutes. Trustee Hellriegel suggests going back to


PUBLIC COMMENTS​ – None There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Hellriegel. Voice vote: Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Coffey, Clerk 

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