2020.06.08 Meeting Minutes

JUNE 8, 2020

The regular meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nolan at 7:07 p.m.
Roll Call
In attendance at Town Hall were Trustees Wagner, Standish, Hellriegel, Supervisor Nolan, and Clerk Coffey.
Via conference call were Trustee Newton and Assessor Bushong.
There was a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 11, 2020 as submitted by Trustee Hellriegel with a second by Trustee Standish. Voice vote: Motion carried.
PLANNING COMMISSION – Chairman Murday: No matters in June, nothing on agenda for July. Sent Board
pre-hearing stage (Land Use) of properties located around Center & Dralle. Nolan: Thanks Don.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT – (Attached) Bushong: Property tax relief: 1st installment, 50% due June 3, 50% due August 3. 2nd installment, 50% due September 3, 50% due November 3. Field work underway throughout June & July. Lots of new construction. Budgeted purchase of PAMS Draw Software allows input of all measurements, drawings, etc, directly into PAMS. Needed ASAP, new construction needs to be submitted to County by end of June. Continue to attend Assessor webinars & conference calls. Assessor’s are able to pick up workload from County SOA each month by appointment only. Tax bills went out May 1st, lots of phone calls, appraiser & tax payer inquiries. Constant at times, almost excessive. 40-45 hours per week to barely keep up with the demands.
SUPERVISOR’S REPORT – Nolan: Approval of bills submitted by Trustees in attendance physically. (Trustee Newton not in attendance for bill signing). Nolan: Suggests forming committee to address flooding issues. Resident volunteer committee to be liaison with Land Use & County to give direction on how to fix. Karen Murdock & Linda Zapchenk volunteer and voice opinion of it being a great idea. Bushong: Suggests email address be created for this issue. Striggow: Suggests contacting Soil & Water group out of New Lenox. May be able to advise how to proceed. Striggow: Dralle horse farm now has 20 horses, heard meeting scheduled at Land Use tomorrow with their attorney. Megan from Land Use never got out there. Murday: Followed up, (not with Megan) the owner is appealing. Sounds like Land Use would object variance. No notice given, asked for Green Garden to be on mailing list. Board did not receive. Murday to follow up regarding Land Use meeting tomorrow at 10:30.
NEW BUSINESS – Nolan: Thanked the candidates for interviewed for the Road Commissioner position, and suggested Roll Call vote for appointing Road Commissioner. Hellriegel: Want to talk about this? Wagner: Interviewed 4 candidates, Jim Francis, Jim Hilliard, Roy Erikson, & Don Murday. Dietz: Asked if all were confirmed Republicans & lived in the Township? Was that the requirement? Wagner: That was all of them. Nolan: Someone can run for the office. This was appointment, so they had to line in the township, be a registered voter, and confirmed Republican because Bob was a Republican. Zapchenk: Who is in the position now? Who’s helping? Nolan: Call Road District office if needed. Bill, Russ, Eric & Penny are there for help. I guess I am right now. Murdock: I’m building a house, Mrs. Massat answered phone and told me complete opposite of what you just said. She stated she is running, and I was treated unprofessionally. Nolan: I was there when your husband said bad things to Penny. You even called & apologized. Murdock: She brought up Linda’s name and questioned her credentials regarding her interest in Road Commissioner position, further stating “She was in charge.” I will pay the fee & my husband, yes can be an a*****e at times, but we had an issueâ€ĤWagner: What issue? $5,000 bond if road gets damaged. Murdock: She said $3,000 culvert permit. Also, I know nothing about. Yes, my husband was being arrogant. It was explained Linda lived next door to her. She (Penny) stated “Yes, just because she’s (Linda) in the army, what does she know about running roads?” How did she know? She (Penny) said, “She is running the Office.” I’m sorry about her husband, you don’t do that if you’re a professional. Wagner: She (Penny) has always run the office. Murdock: Does she get paid? The office she is running, is it in the house? Wagner: Penny is not running the Highway aspect, Penny does all the administrative work, and yes she gets paid by the Road Commissioner. Penn is the only person in the office and has been in that position the whole time. Highway Commissioner ran the roads, Penny was his secretary.
Murdock: Does anyone not seeâ€Ĥ.(inaudible), Ok, by no means, I am not saying anything that didn’t happen. The Board again explained Penny’s role within the Road District. Nolan: We’ve exceeded 2 minute limit. We’ll talk after the meeting Karen. Bushong: Clarification, I thought the Road Commissioner appointee had to have voted in last primary asâ€Ĥ.Nolan: Appointee had to have pulled a Republican primary.
Nolan: Can I have a Roll Call vote for Road Commissioner position? Wagner: Jim Hilliard. Newton: Jim Hilliard. Standish: Don Murday. Hellriegel: Jim Hilliard. Nolan: Jim Hilliard. (Jim Hilliard 4, Don Murday 1)
There was a motion to appoint Jim Hilliard as Green Garden Township Road Commissioner by Trustee
Wagner with a second by Trustee Hellriegel. Roll Call vote: Wagner, yes; Hellriegel, yes; Newton, yes; Standish, yes; Nolan, yes. Motion carried. Congratulations Jim.
There was a motion to adopt the Green Garden Township Budget & Appropriation Ordinance #TF2020-02 by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Standish.
Roll Call vote: Wagner, yes; Standish, yes; Hellriegel, yes; Newton, yes; Nolan, yes. Motion carried 5-0.
There was a motion to adopt the Green Garden Township Road District Budget & Appropriation Ordinance
#RD2020-02 (RB2020-02) by Trustee Hellriegel with a second by Trustee Standish.
Roll Call vote: Hellriegel, yes; Standish, yes; Wagner, yes; Newton: Clarifying this is Road, yes; Nolan, yes.
Motion carried 5-0.
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Hellriegel with a second by Trustee Wagner. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Coffey, Clerk

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