2020.09.14 Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 14, 2020

The regular meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nolan at 7:00p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call: In attendance were Trustees Wagner, Newton, Standish, Assessor Bushong, Highway Commissioner Hilliard, Supervisor Nolan, and Clerk Coffey. Trustee Hellriegel was unable to attend.
There was a motion to approve the minutes as submitted from the regular board meeting held August 10, 2020 by Trustee Standish, with a second by Trustee Newton. Voice vote: Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Buddy Schultz voices dismay regarding Annual Town Meeting attendance by Board members. Stating it gave the impression the Board does not care, “if they don’t care they should not be on the Board.” Nolan: Anyone in particular? Schultz: Won’t name names. Nolan: Go ahead, if you mean me, I was sick. Standish: I’m the other guy, the week before, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to make it. Schultz: What can I say? Nolan: His mother just passed away, I was ill.
PLANNING COMMISSION – Chairman Murday: No meeting in August or September. Nothing on agenda for October. Held meeting last Thursday for folks interested regarding water issues. In attendance were 15 or so residents, a number of Board members, and Planning Commission members. Four more emails since. Informational gathering, gather information, synthesize it, get it together before approaching County or others needing to be contacted. Murday: Raised with the Board, objective of amending or altering Comprehensive Plan, not only cleaning it up, but as raised before the 1 acre parcel subject. Reiterate for Board, questionnaire in 2016, 2 findings, responses were:
● 65% – 2 ½ acre requirement to be maintained as is. 33% – 2 ½ acres continue to be encouraged, denser developments should also be allowed. Only 3% stated 2 ½ acres are inappropriate.
What lot size do you most prefer for future residential developments:
● 50% – 2 ½ acres, 26% – 1 acre, 15% – 5 acres, 5% – greater than 5 acres, 3% – less than 1 acre.
Murday: If we are looking to bewill the people of Green Garden, I would say, 1 acre lots are not what the majority of residents think we should be looking to. Topic of conversation for next meeting. I would like feedback from the Board, do we continue with amendments to the plan for 1 acre lots or maintain 2 ½ acre lots currently set forth in the plan. Wagner: Used to be 10, then 5, then 2 ½, I think plan does allow 1 acre for Planned Unit Development. Smaller 1 acre lots with more open space, cheaper for developers, less roads, but need HOA to maintain open space areas. Nolan: Is it in the plan for HOA’s to maintain? Murday: I don’t think anything explicit, there is mention, not sure of what context. Majority of folks love this place because it’s rural and want it to stay that way. I will proceed as Board directs. Wagner: I think we need to think of any property development adjacent to Frankfort, they will want to annex in, to get the 1 acre. May want to rethink strategy. Bushong: Subdivisions or individual? Wagner: 1- 2 ½ are called subdivisions. Nolan: County allows 1 acre lots with well & septic? Wagner: I think they do. Nolan: Frankfort is in to us: Stuenkel to 88th, Harlem & Dralle (refer to map on wall). Murday: Frankfort wants to continue to annex on eastern edge to create a border to keep encroachment coming from University Park & Monee. Nolan: They have pre-annexation with Palomino Trace. Monee is coming up with new preliminary Comprehensive Plan, from Stuenkel on north, 88th on west down to Offner & Eagle Lake to 57, sounds like they want more residential, annexations have not been talked about. Look at the Monee website. Striggow: Frankfort from north, Monee from east, & Manhattan from west. Nolan: All putting stakes in the ground. Comprehensive Plan an effort to bring developers in. Frankfort’s original was northern corridor for Industrial. Bushong: Because of Palomino there was an option many years ago for us to annex with Frankfort. Wagner: Is it due to the Right of Way? Bushong: Not sure. Discussion regarding contiguous property & right of way annexation. Nolan: We gave up Harlem a long time ago. Gray area in law about consenting to Right of Way. Striggow: Regarding lot sizes, is it 1 acre frontage? Nolan: Pretty sure 235 feet. Wagner: There is a minimum range. Nolan: Set by County. Bushong: Thanks Chairman Murday for the meeting regarding water issues, stating she had been contacted and it was very well received. Wagner: Also thanks Murday for running Annual Meeting. Striggow: Thanks Hilliard for his involvement and input at the water meeting.
Past Operations:
● Offner Road -104th to 45 A-3 application complete (1 mile)
● A-1 applications completed on :
➢ 80th from Manhattan-Monee to Pauling
➢ Pauling from 80th to 88th
➢ Pauling from 45 to Scheer
➢ Dralle from 45 to Scheer
➢ Stuenkel, east of 104th to Scheer (2 ½ miles)
➢ Kuse from 104th to Pavement on Alice
➢ 104th from Steger to Stuenkel
● Calcium chloride sprayed in front of homes due to increased traffic caused by detour
● Shoulders swept throughout Township in various locations
● 86 tires dropped off in Chicago Heights for EPA recycling program
● Approximately 400 feet of ditch reshaped (Dralle & 80th Ave)
● Beaver Dam removed on Dralle east of 80th
● 1-12” culvert installed on 104th
● Storm cleanup (Chipping trees)
● New construction entry permits issued 14 total
● Streetlight maintenance – Martin Manor & Erinwood
● Replaced street sign in Tuscan Hills
Present Operations
● Erinwood street light awaiting ComEd to restore power
● Preventative maintenance to be performed on all trucks & machines
● Pauling east of 45 & 104th prepped for future hard surface improvements
● Bruns east of 45 drain tile inspection & repair (discussed at meeting/contractor with camera)
● Tree trimming & chipping
Future Operations
● Start ditch mowing for the 3rd time
● Erosion project on Bruns west of 88th (Bridge eroding)
Other Governmental Operations
● Conversation with Iroquois Paving (currently working Manhattan-Monee rd) to receive shoulder stone &
asphalt grindings to build up Dralle
A “Thank You” to Ken Moiser for pulverizing dirt for the Township.
Assessor’s Office
● Growing need for residents to be able to visit a physical location to seek assistance or information from
the Township Assessor. Most often seniors who may not be tech savvy or in need of assistance
completing senior exemption forms. I have personally visited some residents to help them.
● Considered Options
➢ Green Garden Insurance Co. building, fully handicap accessible. Building for sale, 3 offices which can be leased separately. Other than internet & phone, heat, electric, & water would be included in monthly rent.
➢ Provide Town Hall internet access (likely less than $1000 a year), obtain, maybe donated desk &
chair. Then I would be able to bring in laptop and have data available to meet with residents to answer necessary questions or assist with forms. Also, enabling Board members the ability to use the internet during meetings.Remodel (previously discussed) the kitchen to store files.
➢ As with all options, there are many pros/cons regarding logistics and costs to consider.
Green Garden Township Website – Assessor information
● Would like approval to add more information to the Assessor section on the Green Garden Township
➢ Example: Many residents did not know that we offer a Soft Appeal in the spring which is an easier
& quicker way to have their assessment evaluated, going directly to the Township Assessor instead of through the County. This past spring, there were several which were able to be adjusted immediately for that tax year. Saves the Assessor valuable time since it often prevents unnecessary Board of Review appeals in the fall. Newton will share user name & password with Bushong so she may add info to the website.
● Another alternative for providing information to ALL residents would be to send out a bi-annual newsletter which would provide general information from the Supervisor, Road Commissioner, and Assessor. Most townships provide this type of mailing to their residents, yet there are costs, production time, & coordination to be considered. Newton: Maybe put something in the paper, more cost efficient than a mailing. Bushong: Something to consider & discuss. Nolan: Don’t you have all the addresses for seniors? Bushong: Some may not have filed previously and are unaware. Newton: Maybe, on next month’s agenda, Bushong to work out of the Town Hall? So she doesn’t have to go to them. Bushong: Without internet, I can’t access. Nolan: Hot spot? Bushong: My program doesn’t work off hotspot. Nolan:
There is another device. Newton: What about internet here? Nolan: What did internet cost at Road District? Hilliard: About $750.00. Nolan: Plus installation. Hilliard: Thought that was part of the bill. Newton: That’s about $60 a month, maybe we could get a package deal with the Road District. Bushong to get pricing. Discussion about safety issues regarding Assessor visiting residents.
● New County website for tax information. Will County Supervisor of Assessments
http://www.willcountysoa.com/ much easier to find taxing information, comparables regarding similar
properties, tax forms, instructions for appeals, and much more.
● Appeal 2020 information
➢ New Board of Review portal at borappeals.willcountysoa.com The appeal process opens August 12, 2020 through September 14, 2020. Please download the appeal form & instructions for additional details.
➢ Due to COVID-19, the Board of Review will not be holding any interactive hearings in the year 2020. All determinations will be made based on the weight of the evidence submitted, and should include a written argument.
TRUSTEE’S REPORT – Nolan: Majority of people know Trustee Don Hellriegel is in the hospital. Thoughts & prayers for him and his family. Discussion on how to show support for Don & his family. Anyone interested, please contact Trustee Newton or Clerk Coffey.
SUPERVISOR’S REPORT – Nolan: Stated he took a job in the Southern Division of Company, moving to Tampa, Florida. Happened in August, moving Oct. 30th. Will be resigning my position, need 3 board members for votes. Thoughts being for the October meeting: Pay bills (checks need to get out), resign, Board accept resignation, same motion appoint deputy supervisor (Wagner or Newton), have Deputy Supervisor bring motion to appoint a new Supervisor. My recommendation is Don Murday. If a Trustee wants it, we only have 2 votes. I don’t want this Township to be left how it was left to me with the finances, was a mess. (Everyone congratulated Jim). Nolan: I will miss the township & neighborhood. Any thoughts on process mentioned? I will put on agenda, hand in resignation, ask for vote to accept it, deputy supervisor, and appoint. Newton: You’re done after we approve resignation? Deputy to step in for remainder? Nolan: Correct, then vote for appointment of Supervisor (has to be on agenda). Murday: I would be honored to work with the Board, make sure this Board continues for those that want to, for another 4 year term. Township means a lot to me, been here 15 years, no intentions of leaving. I have been on Planning Commission for 12 years. Board: Thanks Murday. Nolan: Lot of things presenting are zoning & planning and code enforcement. Don is ahead of everyone on this, he will be a great addition.
Coffey: Questions the 2018 Payroll Summary, stating “according to this, my pay is more than what my salary should be” asks, “Where are these numbers generated?” Nolan: April 1st thru March 31st. Coffey: 2018 has me making $9,374.62, salary should be $8,500. 2019 has me at $8,499.96, not worried about the 4 cents, more concerned about the year before. Looked this year’s for others salaried, Trustees at $2,500, Supervisor at $10,500, but last year yours says $16,625, something is wrong here. I think 2018 is wrong. Wagner: I think expense reimbursement? Coffey: Reimbursed once for Joanne’s cake. I use office rental money for ink or other expenses. I brought it up at Open Meeting because it affects me, I don’t want people to think I got something I was not entitled to. Wagner: Does Penny do that? We can go into archive & print everything for that name & account. Coffey: I thought it was Office Rental added to salary with taxes taken out, didn’t see discrepancy until this year (yearly FOIA is requested). Nolan: May be calendar year throwing it off vs fiscal. Coffey: Why aren’t they all thrown off? Newton: We get paid yearly, maybe a monthly issue? Coffey: Bob’s was ok. Wagner: Jim’s may be because he went from yearly to monthly. Annual in February, monthly after April 1st. Easy enough for us to figure out. Coffey: Just wanted to bring it up. Newton: I submitted that FOIA regarding Payroll Summary, correct? Coffey: Yes. Discussion regarding issue will be looked at later. Newton: I should have stated in the Trustee’s Report, FOIA related, fellow submitted FOIA request, commercial request for Ohio Grove Township, in Ohio. I received a 2nd request in which I answered I did not think this was meant for me (in writing). Don, was this the right thing to do? Murday: You’re seeking clarification for an entity that is not “us.” We can’t be in compliance or non-compliance if it is not directed to us. Newton: I have not heard back. Thank you.
Striggow: I just want to mention the “Vote regarding Amendment to Illinois Constitution,” and how it will affect people. Do not be misled by advertising, this will affect all of our pockets. Can’t tell me that our current Governor is thinking he is doing the right thing by 97% of the people. Once you give politicians the right to move stuff you’ll be surprised who all gets sucked in this. Stop & think, what happens if he raises all this stuff, and someone like Caterpillar says “I’m leaving” guess who picks up the tab then? Be very cautious, consider or reconsider your position on Fair Tax when you vote. The only fair game is not the politicians making these rates for us. Make sure you read through that amendment, it came in the
mail. Nolan: Proposal not that bad, is it just you can’t trust the politicians? Striggow: Intent verbiage to save 97% of you tax money, problem is, only true if he holds to the line. Problem is politicians decide what is going to be taxed on who’s making how many dollars. Maybe worse later, than now. Should not be left for politicians to decide. Constitution was done for good reason. Wagner: It is deceiving, especially the ad regarding Wisconsin paying less tax, than millionaires in Wisconsin. We pay less tax than the people in Wisconsin, millionaires or not. Hilliard: 113th Annual Education Conference is coming up. Form has all of us on here, I’m going (webinar) didn’t know if everyone wanted to go. Maybe together? Thanks. There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Wagner with a second by Trustee Newton. Voice vote: Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Coffey, Clerk

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