2021.08.09 Meeting Minutes



AUGUST 9, 2021 

-Meeting called to order at 7:00 by Supervisor Don Murday with Pledge of Allegiance. 

-Opening prayer by Pastor Dave Feddes of Family of Faith Church. 

-Roll Call-Trustees Cherie Newton, Ralph Dietz and Bill Wagner present (Trustee Wagner called out at 7:05 on call). Also present were Clerk Susan Coffey, Supervisor Murday, Assessor Jane Bushong, Road Commissioner Jim Hilliard. Trustee Mark Kovar not present. 

-Approval of Minutes from July meeting-Motion to approve made by Trustee Dietz and seconded by Trustee Newton. Voice vote, motion carried. 

-Planning Commission-Supervisor Murday reported that the Planning Commission at their August meeting voted to unanimously approve the rezoning of property on Center Road (PIN 18-13-10-100-002-0000) from A1 to E2. Attorney Tom Osterberger present on behalf of the property owner, Mr. Cullen. Trustee Newton made the motion to approve the change and seconded by Trustee Dietz. Voice vote, motion carried. 

-Road Commissioner’s Report read by Commissioner Hilliard. 

-Assessor’s Report read by Assessor Bushong 

-Trustee’s Report—Trustee Newton: Nothing at this time. Trustee Dietz: Nicor Gas/Yorkshire gasline-waiting to hear back from Nicor. Trustee Wagner (had to leave for call). Trustee Kovar-not present. 

-Supervisor’s Report-A resident who is a union plumber came and looked at the Townhall washrooms to determine what is needed to repair the washrooms. Board will purchase needed repair parts and he will repair. Hall rental-highlights the need for washroom repair. Supervisor Murday to check on the status of our septic tank/field. 

-New Business-Nothing under New Business 

-Old Business-Supervisor Murday reports the Town Hall Committee (consisting of Murday, Assessor Bushong, Trustee Kovar and resident Mark Sarkaszian) met to discuss contractor’s costs of work on Town Hall and visits to other local Assessor’s offices to view said offices. The Town Hall Committee focusing on Assessor office space and renovations to Town Hall. Looking into what is the long-term future for existing Town Hall. Committee to meet again prior to September meeting. Cemetary Committee report-(consisting of Resident Heidi Christofilos and Trustee Wagner) are compiling information for cemetaries located in Green Garden Township. Resident Buddy Schultz has information he will pass along to the Committee 

regarding his own research. Resident Russ Standish has information on St. Peter Cemetary that he will share with the Committee. More reports forthcoming. 

-Public Comments-Resident Mike Evon updated Board on dead trees on his property. 

-Meeting Adjourned at 8:16 pm with a motion by Trustee Newton and seconded by Trustee Dietz. The next Board meeting to be held on 9/13/21 at 7:00 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, Cherie Newton (for Clerk Coffey) for Green Garden Township. 

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