2021.09.13 Meeting Minutes



September 13, 2021 

-Meeting called to order at 7:00 by Supervisor Don Murday with Pledge of Allegiance. 

-Opening prayer-Deacon Mark Otten with St. Boniface scheduled but unable to attend. Supervisor Murday working on getting local clergy on a “schedule” to lead meetings in opening prayer. 

-Township Clerk Susan Coffey has tendered her resignation and not in attendance. Supervisor Murday thanked her for her years of service to the Township. Following process, Trustee Bill Wagner made the Motion to accept the resignation of Clerk Coffey, second by Trustee Mark Kovar. Supervisor Murday called for passing of Motion, motion carried. With the Board acceptance of Clerk Coffey’s resignation, the Board has 60 days from date of acceptance to fill the position of Clerk. If anyone knows of someone interested in fulfilling the remainder of this term, please contact Supervisor Murday. Applicant must be a resident of Green Garden Township and a member of the Republican Party. Trustee Cherie Newton has agreed to step in as “Interim Clerk” until the position is appointed. Trustee Kovar makes the motion appointing Trustee Newton as Interim Clerk, with a second by Trustee Ralph Dietz. All in favor, motion carried. 

-Roll Call-Trustees Dietz, Kovar, Wagner, Newton, Supervisor Murday, Assessor Jane Bushong and Road Commissioner Jim Hilliard all present. 

-Approval of Minutes from August, 2021 meeting-Motion to approve made by Trustee Wagner and seconded by Trustee Kovar. All in favor, motion carries. 

-Planning Commission-Chair Jim Wayman asked about monies for Comast/internet through covid relief funding, Supervisor Murday reported nothing has been communicated to him thus far, will report back when he does hear something. Trustee Newton asked Chair Wayman if there is anything before the P&Z Board in October, he replied “nothing.” Supervisor Murday wished to acknowledge that three members of the P&Z Board are in attendance at tonight’s meeting, and thanked them for their dedication to the Township. 

-Road Commissioner’s Report read by Commissioner Hilliard. Tar and chip applied on various roads in the township. Dralle Road west of Route 45, shoulder repaired due to detour-related increased traffic. Hoping to get paved within the next month. Trees downed from recent storm, clean-up ongoing. Acquired a jetter that is helpful in this process. Crack filling work performed. Completed 2 driveway culverts with asphalt aprons. Finishing final ditch-cutting. Speed limit survey still in progress for Kuse and Pauling Roads. Working reshaping ditch on Dralle Road. Starting to get the plow trucks ready. Long-term project, Dralle Road will be prepped for hard surface (104th to Route 45). Resident Buddy Schultz provided pictures of Dralle Road where phone box was hit with the boom mower. Commissioner Hilliard reported 

the Road District is working to clean this up. Resident Schultz also questioned 88th Avenue, where it was repaired and a truck “hurt” it. Commissioner Hilliard reported that a resident inadvertently damaged the road and will be making restitution and the road will be repaired. 

-Assessor’s Report read by Assessor Bushong. The majority of the field work has been completed for 2021. Due to construction delays, residents are being issued temporary occupancy permits. New homes might be up to a year before Assessor is notified, this is a county-wide issue right now. Green Garden is experiencing a high volume of new construction in comparison to most other townships in Will County. Assessor’s office received “excessive” number of phone calls and emails in August and September, resulting in delays in responding to said calls/emails. Appeals are a priority right now. A calendar showing the dates of the town hall being rented out would be beneficial so as to avoid conflicts when the Assessor might need access to the hall for business. Supervisor Murday and Trustee Newton are looking into creating a scheduling calendar which would be available to view online. Board of Review appeals active currently. In August, the median home sale price in Five Oaks was $665,000. Assessor Bushong furnished the Board with a handout of updated information on search for Assessor Office, stressing again that it is urgent that she acquire office space. The search has been narrowed to two locations, Striggow Insurance (Monee-Manhattan Road) and the Frankfort Fire Station (Route 45). Supervisor Murday responded that the Committee was formed to address this issue. The Board will vote/make a final decision on the matter at October 11, 2021 meeting. 

-Trustee’s Report—Trustee Wagner reported that the Cemetary Committee met on September 3, 2021 at Monroe Striggow’s office (present were Trustee Wagner, residents Buddy Schultz and Russ Standish, resident/Committee member Heidi Christofilos , resident Rich Stuenkel, and Chris (not sure of last name), who was former Will County Historic Preservation head. Union Cemetary is historic landmark, and does appear to be abandoned. The Committee will continue to research its status. Two options available for township funding the maintenance of the cemetary, incorporated into the Town Fund budget or have a tax levy issued to fund (would require a referendum). The next scheduled Cemetary Committee meeting is October 8, 2021. Supervisor Murday added that he and Trustee Wagner have been working with the Auditors to finalize the Auditors’ Report (for fiscal year 2020-2021) which is due to be filed with the State at the end of September. Perhaps the accountants can attend the November meeting and walk the Board through the financial reporting that is being done on a monthly basis. Trustee Dietz–reported that conversations with Nicor for gas line on Yorkshire Lane have been put on hold (per Nicor). Will be followed up by Trustee Dietz. Also reported by Dietz was an email he received from resident Lauren Piecuch regarding dumpster/dump site or “hazardous waste containers” at 104th and Dralle. Dietz said that as the land is zoned A1, the township has no authority to “go in there.” He will get in touch with someone at County to relay the information. Trustee Kovar—nothing. Trustee Newton-informed the Board the she was contacted by Garland Mayes (Community Engagement Coordinator) that he will be at our November meeting with a full presentation on behalf of the Will County Executive Office. Trustee Newton also asked if we have found out who owns the Town Hall building? Do we have permission to make any improvements, etc. to the building? Supervisor Murday responded that he is following up as to the ownership. Resident Schultz told the Board that this building is not a landmark of any kind. Murday agrees, we do know that. It can be, however, designated as such if steps are taken to request that and it is approved at a County level.

-Supervisor’s Report—Both washrooms have been fixed at the Town Hall and are useable. Trustee Newton purchased the General Assistance handbook from TOI and, as the Supervisor is the authorized administrator of the General Assistance Fund, he will look into the statutes and information pertaining to the Fund. Supervisor Murday asked that the Assessor and Road District contact information be listed directly on the township’s “front page” of the website, Trustee Newton will add the info. 

-New Business-Nothing under New Business. 

-Old Business-Already covered throughout the meeting. 

-Public Comments-None. 

-Meeting Adjourned at 8:24 pm with a motion by Trustee Wagner and seconded by Trustee Kovar. Motion carried. The next Board meeting to be held on October 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, Cherie Newton (as Interim Clerk) for Green Garden Township. 

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