2022.05.09 Meeting Minutes



-Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Don Murday with Pledge of Allegiance.

-Opening prayer by Pastor Mike Shepherd of Jackson Creek Fellowship Church. Pastor Dave

Feddes reached out to Supervisor Murday regarding the township’s clergy getting together to


-Roll Call by Trustee Cherie Newton in Clerk Crissy Kraft’s absence: Present: Supervisor Don

Murday, Trustees Ralph Dietz, Bill Wagner, Mark Kovar and Cherie Newton. Road Commissioner

Jim Hilliard present. Clerk Kraft and Assessor Jane Bushong not in attendance.

-Approval of Minutes from April 11, 2022 regular board meeting prepared by Clerk Kraft.

Supervisor Murday calls for Motion to approve submitted Minutes, motion made by Trustee

Kovar and seconded by Trustee Dietz. All in favor, motion carries.

-Public Comments:

-Resident Buddy Schultz stated the he heard the County is going to be doing overlays on

the roads in Green Garden.

-Resident Mark Sarkisian feels the way the meetings have been run recently have been a

little bit nicer.

-Resident Heidi Christofilos shared with the Board that cemetary cleanup at Union

Cemetary will be held Saturday 5/14 from 9-12. Arnold’s Tree Service out of Beecher kindly

removed 5 trees from Twining Cemetary, free of charge. 5/21/22 is the scheduled date for

community cleanup at Twining Cemetary.

-Resident Dean Christofilos told the Board that for Mother’s Day, his wife Heidi

requested Dean and their son help her clean up at the Twining Cemetary. Also, Dean is

informing the community and the Board that he, as a realtor, has listed Monroe Striggow’s

building for sale.

-Mrs. Bob Bodach wished to introduce herself to the Board and the community and

share that her husband, attorney Bob Bodach, is running for Will County Circuit Judge


-Planning Commission-Planning & Zoning Commissioner Jim Wayman not present; report by

Supervisor Murday. The Commission did not meet in May and there is nothing set for June,

either. The property owner who is slaying animals, etc. has been informed that he needs to

start at the County level to apply for a Map Amendment. It will then come to Green Garden.

-Road Commissioner’s Report presented by Commissioner Hilliard:

Completed in the past month:

-Spring pothole repairs.

-Put in 2 entrance culverts.

-Storm drain repair in Canterbury Lakes and Waterford Estates.

-MFT funds used in Canterbury Lakes for overlay (grinding streets down and P.T. Ferro

will then overlay with pavement). Bus turnaround in Canterbury Lakes to be finished with the


-Worked on ditches for drainage improvement.

-Contracts signed for bids for Waterford Estates, Derby Glen, Stuenkel and Dralle Roads.

-“Heavily populated” areas for the overlay project.

-Second round of bids set for May 24 for additional paving projects.

Currently working on:

-Tree removal on Dralle Road.

-Spray patch this coming week.

-A few ditches need to be reshaped on 104th Avenue.

-Kuse Road has a cross-culvert that is in desparate need of repair.

Long-term/future work:

-Hard road surfaces for Dralle Road and 104th Avenue (2-3 years).

-Scheer Road bridge north of Offner Road to be replaced, cost shared with Will County.

-Ditch work on Offner Road and 88th, working with Peotone Township.

-Assessor’s Report—Assessor Bushong not present. Her Report to be posted on our website.

-Trustee’s Report—Trustee Dietz reported we haven’t heard anything from the County on 104th

property. Resident Lauren Piecuch asked what the requirements are to put in a culvert,

reported that basically just filled in the ditch with dirt so the property owner can access their

field, huge pile of mud blocking the drainage. Trustee Dietz received an email with a complaint

at 8933 Dralle Road, where a landscaping company is located. The owner is burning waste at all

hours of the day and night. He has put a call in to Land Use regarding the issue. Green Garden

Township can’t enforce the issue, Code Enforcement needs to go out to investigate. Trustee

Kovar has nothing at this time. Trustee Newton asked resident Heidi Christofilos for the

address of Twining Cemetary so the information might be posted to our website. Trustee

Newton thanked resident Lauren Piecuch for her assistance with supplying her the Planning &

Zoning meeting information. If there is to be a July meeting of P&Z, it will be on July 5, as July 4

is a holiday. Trustee Wagner asked resident Monroe Striggow what he was referring to at the

Annual Meeting regarding transfer of monies between funds. Resident Striggow asked if the

Board votes on the transfers, to which Trustee Wagner replied that the budget outlines the

transfers. Trustee Wagner reported that a Resolution for the cemetaries has been drafted and

is now being reviewed by the township attorney. The budget hearing is scheduled for June 13

at 6:30 p.m. The budget will be voted on at the regular meeting on June 13 at 7:00 p.m.

Trustee Kovar questioned the feasibility of the Town Hall Improvements line item in the Budget,

and obtaining quotes for said projects. Supervisor Murday added that reasonable figures need

to be used as a placeholder. Trustee Kovar asked why Peotone Township was contacted

requesting hiring additional help for Assessor Bushong. Trustee Wagner replied he was trying

to assist the Assessor’s Office in finding part-time help. Supervisor Murday stated that Assessor

Bushong, Trustee Wagner, attorneys for Assessor Bushong and the township attorney met to

discuss the budget, and progress was made. A subsequent meeting was held with the township

attorney, Trustee Wagner and Assessor Bushong in which an agreed budget was presented and

then sent to all trustees for review/questions. Trustee Dietz did mention that, for instance,

$3,000.00 for Bill’s Landscaping seemed high and that is being looked into. Supervisor Murday

reiterated that Assessor Bushong is in agreement with the Assessor portion of the Budget.

-Supervisor’s Report—Nothing to add.

-New Business-Already covered in above discussions.

-Old Business-Already covered in above discussions.

–Meeting Adjourned at 7:58 pm with a motion by Trustee Kovar and seconded by Trustee

Dietz. Motion carried. The next Board meeting will be on Monday, June 13 with the Budget

Hearing at 6:30 p.m. and the regular monthly Board meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Cherie Newton (prepared in Clerk Kraft’s absence) for Green Garden


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