2022.06.13 Meeting Minutes



  1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 m. by Supervisor Don Murday with Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call by Clerk Crissy Kraft: Present: Supervisor Don Murday, Trustees Ralph Dietz, Mark Kovar, Bill Wagner, and Cherie Newton, Assessor Jane Bushong, Road Commissioner Jim Hilliard, and Clerk Crissy Kraft.
  3. Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2022, Regular Monthly Meeting prepared by Trustee Murday entertained a motion to accept the minutes as prepared by Trustee Newton, Motion made by Trustee Dietz and seconded by Trustee Kovar. All In favor with Aye, motion unanimously carried.
  4. Public Comments – Resident Buddy Schultz voiced concerns over the cemetery not being on the agenda and he had the bill for the $50 per cut that was approved at previous meeting. Supervisor Murday said it would be submitted and approved by the board. Resident Schultz was unsure of why the new road on Dralle was being used by fuel trucks and asked if the road was Resident Schultz also was concerned about a hole on 88th Ave by the golf course. Resident Striggow questioned the May minutes not being on the website and was informed they were approved tonight and will be posted within 10 days. Resident Russ Standish spoke on behalf of Heidi Christofilos about the progress at the Cemeteries. The cemeteries were cleaned up and looking good, although still work to be done, he gave thanks to numerous residents of the township and Road Commissioner Hilliard. Resident Standish spoke of the Memorial Day Ceremony they had at Union Cemetery where 7 people came out in uniform and had a gun salute. Supervisor Murday thanked the community for their help. Resident Standish spoke of the training he and 2 others received in Southern Illinois about refurbishing and straightening out headstones. Resident Belinda Olszewski commented on the repayment from the road service for $20,000.00 and wanted to see the account number. Resident Olszewski wanted to see in the budget something for the PACE ride, answers from the Annual meeting about IMRF, and wanted to see money from the CARES Act go towards getting computers/printers for the Trustees, especially Trustee Newton.
  5. Planning Commission – Nothing on agenda for July
  6. Road Commissioner’s Report by Commissioner Jim Hillard
    • Past Operations – Paved quite a few roads – Cut out bad section of Steger and filled in – Derby Glen, James Ln, Kimberly Ct, Kensington Crystal Ln, were ground and overlays. Canterbury and Waterford have curb and gutter issues as well as serious storm sewer work that needed to be done. They were patched in, drain tiles were fixed and curb work done before paving.
    • Present Operations – Working on Dralle getting trees and brush removed, weather stalls – Spray patch roads as weather permits- 90% of ditches cut but once done will start over – Working on 3 culverts, 1 cross culvert on Stuenkel Rd. just West of 45 that when one rain had fish on street.
    • Future Operations – Scheer Road Bridge North of Offner Road to be replaced and will be around a 3-year project.
  7. Assessor’s Report – Wanted to mention that Farmers Weekly did an article on Union Cemetery’s Memorial Day Ceremony. There are some important timelines, as of end of day soft appeals are closed, property assessment notices are going to mailed out and be published in Farmers Weekly on


August 10th, this date also begins Board of Review Appeals. SOA exemption events are still going on with one being at the Will County Fair August 24th– 28th, the SOA will be present. Bushong also had available information she put together to help understand tax bills and assessment process and if you would like a copy to contact her office.

  1. Trustee’s Report – Trustee Dietz discussed the temporary use permit sought by the resident at 104th and Dralle for a temporary use to have a slaughterhouse for a holiday in July. The county requires an I3 zonig designation which Will County Land Use assured they would not give. If he slaughters for the holiday, they recommend calling the Sheriff. Trustee Dietz also discussed the property on Wildwood where a resident complained about a duplex being built. The issue being zoning/renting and duplexes requires an hour firewall and as built they would need to go through garage which is only ½ hour wall. Will County is aware of the issue. Trustee Wagner addressed resident Olzweski’s questions. The $20,000 loan came from building and equipment to the Town Fund and that next year’s budget would be $30,000 Town Trustee Wagner suggested for Ride Share to bring ideas to Trustees. Trustee Wagner asked resident Striggow about the IMRF and Road Commissioner Hilliard responded that he has two employees receiving IMRF.
  2. Supervisor’s Report – Received a letter from Will County indicating federal funds available from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery funds part of the American Rescue Fund. Green Garden’s allocation being $ 58,312. Dollars. The first step was someone being required to attend a 60-minute informational meeting which Supervisor Murday and Trustee Wagner attended on June 8, 2022. Supervisor Murday and Trustee Wagner that same day met with Ragan Pattison and Matt Zilecki to discuss new town hall or present location and what can be done with the allocated funds. Ragan was referred to the Supervisor by Jim Moustis the supervisor of Frankfort Township. Supervisor Murday explained how the Wyght group is willing to help with the application and submission without charge and that the money is not earmarked for anything. Supervisor Murday asked for a motion for Green Garden to approve the submission of an application to receive the

$58,312 dollars. Trustee Kovar makes the motion and is seconded by Trustee Newton. All in favor with Aye, motion unanimously carried. Supervisor Murday discussed a survey being done to let the towns people about what they would like to see or want. Also, a newsletter with a possible survey and revamping the website. Supervisor Murday thanked everyone who showed up at the cemeteries to assist.

  1. New Business – No new business
  2. Old Business – The hearing for the Budget and Appropriation for the Township and Road District were held prior to this meeting with no public comments. Supervisor Murday calls for a motion to adopt the Budget for Town Funds. Motion made by Trustee Wagner and seconded by Trustee Roll call vote taken: 5 Aye, 0 Nay. Motion unanimously carried. Supervisor Murday calls for a motion to adopt the Budget for Road District Funds. Motion made by Trustee Dietz and seconded by Trustee Kovar. Roll call vote taken: 5 Aye, 0 Nay. Motion unanimously carried. Supervisor Murday wanted to note on record his gratitude and thankfulness on behalf of the township and him personally for Trustee Wagner’s hard work since January with completing the budgets for Town Hall and the Road District. Assessor Bushong wanted to state that the Assessor has approved, and both supports Supervisor Murday and the board and has approved the Assessor budget. Supervisor Murday closed out the meeting by thanking Assessor Bushong and with appreciation for the efforts of working together and moving forward together to benefit the township.


  1. Meeting Adjourned at 7:49 pm with a motion by Trustee Kovar and seconded by Trustee All in favor with Aye, motion unanimously carried. The next Board meeting to be held on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Crissy Kraft, Clerk for Green Garden Township

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