2022.10.10 Meeting Minutes
1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Don Murday with Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call by Clerk Crissy Kraft: Present: Supervisor Murday, Trustee Dietz, Trustee Newton, Trustee Wagner, Assessor Bushong, Road Commissioner Hilliard, and Clerk Kraft. Trustee Kovar not present.
3. Approval of Minutes from September 12, 2022, Regular Monthly Meeting prepared by Clerk Kraft. Supervisor Murday entertained a motion to accept the minutes as prepared by Clerk Kraft, Motion made by Trustee Wagner and seconded by Trustee Dietz. All In favor with Aye, motion unanimously carried.
4. Public Comments – Resident Kim Koran brought up concerns about increased semi traffic on 88th Ave., and Pauling Road and if additional signage or flags could help warn the semi’s that it is not a truck route. Resident Belinda Olszewski asked about progress on the Will Ride program and concerns over the survey not tracking where people lived (only zip codes), Flag at town hall, and the treasurer report posted , in which she will put in FOIA requests. Resident Ron Christensen wanted to let the public know that there is a training center for wrestling for ages 4 – 14 across from the golf dome run by Frankfort Gladiator’s.
5. Planning Commission – Nothing on agenda for November 2022.
6. Cemetery Report – Heidi Christofilos stated that Sunday, October 16, 2022, from 1pm – 4pm would be a short workday clean up at Union Cemetery. She also said if they get the permit from the state they would do restorations on a few of the headstones to show what herself, Ross, and Erin learned about the restoration on stones and that they are working with the town lawyer and Supervisor Murday in regards to Union Cemetery being abandoned. Supervisor Murday made mention that the township attorney has been in contact with BMO Harris where the funds are reported to be and working on how to access the funds.
7. Road Commissioner’s Report by Commissioner Jim Hillard
– Past Operations –Installed steel roof on salt shed, excavating ditches, two culverts (one field entrance and one driveway), two lights repaired in Canterbury Lakes subdivision, and updated TORMA insurance on equipment.
– Present Operations –75% of ditches completed cleaning up for winter, cutting back to the farm
fields. Preventive maintenance on the trucks so ready for snow. Tree trimming canopies back and work on shoulder stone. Had Austin Tyler fix Dralle Road straighter and now they will concentrate on the shoulder stone.
– Future Operations –Scheer Road Bridge North of Offner Road in planning phases. Sounds like funding through the County went through and the County matches 50%. Commissioner Hillard addressed public comments about the semi traffic and increased traffic with suggestions on calling authorities, having residents let him know where and times in hopes of officers patrolling more and he also updated weight limit signs.
8. Assessor’s Report – Let it be known that Rhonda Novak, Supervisor of Will County Assessments retired after nearly 35 years of service with interim Cindy Harris in place until the permanent supervisor will be named soon. Wrapped up most field work in the month of September, measuring, new construction, and structures but drawings, photographs, data entry, and so forth will be completed over time. Board of Review Appeals are still being reviewed, final appeal decisions will not be made or not received until towards the end of the year. Once completed they will be working hard on quad year preparations which next year will be the quad year. Supervisor Murday thanked Assessor Bushong for her efforts and acknowledged how this has been a busy period for her and her team and thanked her on behalf of the township for al her work for the township and the residents.
9. Trustee’s Report – Trustee Dietz said him and Supervisor Murday met with Land Use about Jerusalem Farms and it is ongoing and will meet in two weeks to hopefully provide something down the road. He also said he had seen the fiscal report in the Vedette and spoke with Trustee Wagner about it and in which Trustee Wagner explained quite a bit of it and what seemed out of place is actually generally ok. Supervisor Murday explained how Trustee Wagner has taken responsibility for financial end of township and what an excellent job he is doing. Supervisor Murday also mentioned the process for the November 26th filing with the comptroller office and that an audit was not needed, to save thousands of dollars, and having the township accountants prepare an annual financial report to submit. The Trustees will be given the report prior to the November meeting and then will vote on it. He also has the township attorney’s checking if there is a better way to handle the voucher system which right now requires Trustees to come half hour earlier than meetings to see bank statements and monies coming in and going out. Trustee Wagner explained the financial reports are what is required by law and used by other townships also and that if they were to publish all the financial reports it would take 8 or more pages so this is to keep the expense minimal and what is required. Supervisor Murday explained that Trustee Wagner shared the report with him in which then was shared with accountants to make sure it was the right format and it was and they will be doing something similar, a financial report card, for the November meeting. Trustee Newton let it be known that there is now a form to fill out on the website for FOIA and that she tried it out to see where it went and it goes directly to her. Trustee Newton mentioned they are still working on the town hall renovation and the $ 58,000. dollar grant and the obstacles involved. Trustee Newton also said she had received information about a grant for the food pantries servicing Green Garden and would work with them to ensure the deadlines are met to receive the grants. Supervisor Murday also cleared up about where emails go and who is cc’d on them.
10. Supervisor’s Report – Supervisor Murday explained the numerous grants that are available and the tasks involved in receiving them and what is expected of them. Supervisor Murday addressed the Will Ride and that he has been in discussions with Manhattan and Monee Supervisors about that and the general assistance fund and will follow up with them in the next week to determine best ways to handle them. He also wants to get more information on the history of Green Garden Township and was given a name of a resident who may be helpful so that there can be a History of the Township on the website. Supervisor Murday is also looking to have a portion of the website with criminal activity, police blotter, for Green Garden residents to be advised of criminal activities within the township. Supervisor Murday addressed public comments on the flag pole and that it has been his number one priority and is working on it and getting bids.
11. New Business – No new business
12. Old Business – No old business
13. Meeting Adjourned at 7:36 pm with a motion by Trustee Dietz and seconded by Trustee Wagner. All in favor with Aye, motion unanimously carried. The next Board meeting to be held on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Crissy Kraft, Clerk for Green Garden Township